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Skylanders Giants # Starter Pack за за ПС3 / PS3 / Playstation 3


Играта е съвместима с всички Европейски игрови PS3 конзоли , тоест купувани от България и Европа
Чисто нова в неразпакована опаковка
Платформа: PlayStation 3

Само поставете фигурката върху портала (който е свързан с кабел към USB входа на конзолата) и фигурката ви ще оживее на екрана.Играта можете да я завършите с 3 те фигурки от комплекта.Но ако искате може да използвате и останалите притежаващи различни сили и качества (Не са включени останалите фигурки герой в комплекта)
• Порастване: Skylanders Giants представя осем нови фигурки с колекционерска стойност, които превишават два пъти размерите на основната група скайлендъри както във физическа, така и във виртуална форма.
• Ярки светлини: За да помогне за продължаване на магията от реалния свят да се вдъхва живот на играчки, Skylanders Giants включва комплект персонажи, в които е интегрирана нова светлинна технология, позволявайки на играчката да светне, когато се доближи до Портала на силата.
• Тези герои имат и допълнителни екстри в играта. (Не са необходими батерии)
Нови скайлендъри: Осем скайлендъри с нормален размер, всеки с техни собствени уникални сили, способности и характер, се присъединяват към приключението заедно с гигантите.
• Съвместимост: Всеки любим персонаж от Skylanders Spyro's Adventure е 100% съвместим със Skylanders Giants.

Комплекта съдържа:
• Оригиналната игра на диск: Skylanders Giants (PS3)
• Портал на силата "Portal of Power" (PS3)
• Фигурки на Скайлендъри: Cynder, Tree Rex и Jet-Vac
• 3 трейд карти за фигурките
• 3 стикера с тайни кодове
• Плакат с персонажите от играта

Картонена опаковка на продукта

  • Код: 00561
  • Производител: SONY
  • Тегло: 1.000 кг
Цена: 70.00лв.
Изпратете на приятел Оценете продукта Добави в списъка с желания
• Skylanders Giants has to be one of the funnest video games I have played in a long time!!!!
Recently, I headed to Best Buy to check out a video game that I had never heard of, Skylanders Giants. Having 2 boys who love video gaming I am always on the look out for something new for them to play. Best Buy let me get hands on with Skylanders Giants and that is the best way to guage if a video game is going to be fun or a flop with my boys.

• Thousands of years ago, the Giants fought epic battles in Skylands but were banished to Earth. With a new threat looming, it’s time to bring them back to join forces with the Skylanders to defeat KAOS. Only you can put them on the Portal of Power® to unleash their strength in the ultimate battle to save Skylands!
• I knew instantly, due to the interactive nature, this would be one my boys (and maybe even the girl) would have a blast playing. You get to pick the character you want to be and place them on the little portal then grab your controller and get ready for some fun.

• Jet-Vac - character  was the greatest, most daring flying ace in all of Windham. He was given his magical wings when he was young, as was the tradition for all Sky Barons. But when his homeland was raided, he chose to sacrifice his wings to a young mother so she could fly her children to safety. This act of nobility caught the attention of Master Eon, who sought out the young Sky Baron and presented him with a gift – a powerful vacuum device that would allow him to soar through the skies once again. Jet-Vac accepted the gift with gratitude, and now daringly fights evil alongside the other Skylanders.
• I love that each character has a story on the Skylanders website. As I got going, I found myself laughing and having a blast playing Skylanders Giants. I admit to not being a video game buff and couldn’t figure out how to control the hero at first but once I got going I realized just how much fun this game would be for my family as a whole.
• The starter pack comes with the video game, a Portal of Power, three Skylanders figures, a character collector poster, three sticker sheets with secret codes and three trading cards. Or there is the portal pack which includes the game, 1 action figure but does require Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure to play. You can also add to your character collection over time by buying individual characters which unlocks different areas in the game, which makes for a great gift idea later down the road. The kids will have a blast!
Last, but definitely not least, I really like that there is very little violence in the game. Of course you have to get rid of the bad guys but the violence level is very low. The little time we played we had to shoot the bad guys, but they simply disappeared, nothing hard core and definitely nothing I would object to even my youngest (7) playing.
• If you are looking to get a fun, interactive gift for the gamer in your life consider picking up Skylanders Giants this holiday season. To purchase Skylander’s Giants, just visit www.bestbuy.com/giants. It is rated E for everyone aged 10 and up but as mentioned my daughter (7) would enjoy it too.


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